
Opioid Recovery

Ferry Road Pharmacy works alongside the DHB methadone programme known as Christchurch Opioid Recovery Service. Pharmacy staff can administer methadone on a daily, or a takeaway basis, depending on what has been agreed. 

Our experienced pharmacists are used to building rapport with regular clientele and have a discrete area in which to provide the service. We provide a non-judgemental service that recognises the potential damage stigma may cause this group of health consumers, their families, and significant others

Our model of care facilitates client centred, recovery and well-being focused approaches to OST. We are responsive to the needs of clients, their whanau and our community

Benefits of Opioid Subsitution

The main aim of opioid substitution is to allow patients suffering from opioid addiction to continue to live normal lives by providing a safe and fully funded replacement for illicit opoids.

Benefits of the opioid subsitution programme:

  • Access to methadone to treat opioid cravings
  • Support from trained alcohol and drug specialists
  • Safe alternative to illict opoids
  • Fully funded

Contact us today

244 Ferry Road
Canterbury 8011
New Zealand

Ferry Road Pharmacy

Ferry Road Pharmacy has been serving Phillipstown since the 1990's , providing accurate and reliable healthcare to our community. Our pharmacists are trained medicine experts capable of providing advice and healthcare for you and your family. Come see us in store for your next precription or if you have any questions.